Monday, 29 August 2011


1. In which year was Rahul Born ?
Ans: (4) Both A and B are sufficient

2. What will be the total weight of 10 poles, each of sameweight ?
Ans: (2) Either (A) or (B) is sufficient

3. How much was the total sale of the company ?
Ans: (4) Both A and B are sufficient

4. What is the number of triangles in the above figure ?
Ans: (4) 14

5. What number should come next in the series : 2,1,(1/2),(1/4)………
Ans: (2) 1/8

6. What number should come next in the series :7,10,8,11,9,12,………
Ans: (3) 10

7. Statement : No women teacher can play. Some women teachers are athletes. Conclusions :
Ans: (1) only conclusion A follows

8. Marathon : race : : hibernation :
Ans: (4) Sleep

9. 3G is
Ans: (1) A Generation of Standard for mobile phone

10. Latest Processor from Intel is
Ans: (3) Core i 5

11. Full form of UPS is
Ans: (2) Uninterrupted Power Supply

12. RAM in present day computers is available in size of
Ans: (2) GB

13. Full form of GUI is
Ans: (2) Graphical User Interface

14. Which one of the following are magnetic devices ?
Ans: (3) Both (1) and (2)

15. The Rajasthan Canal takes water from
Ans: (2) Sutlej

16. Keoladeo National Park is situated in
Ans: (2) Bharatpur (3) Ghana

17. Which of the following states is largest in Area ?
Ans: (3) Rajasthan

18. International Womens day is celebrated on
Ans: (4) 8 March

19. “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan” slogan was given by ?
Ans: (2) Lal Bahadur Shastri

20. Insulin controls the metabolism of :
Ans: (1) Sugar

21. The Capital of Chhattisgarh is
Ans: (3) Raipur

22. Baghdad is the capital of which country ?
Ans: (3) Iraq

23. What is the sum Total of all the angles of a right angledtriangle ?
Ans: (3) 180 degrees

24. In which country is Wimbeldon tennis tournament held
Ans: (4) England

25. If L stands for +, M stands for -, N stands for x, P stands for ÷ then 15 N 10 L 30 P 6 M 8
Ans: (2) 147

26. If 20-10 means 2, 8÷4 means 32, 6x2 means 8, then 100-10x4÷6 equals
Ans: (2) 34

27. Five persons – A,B,C,D and E are sitting in a row. Who is sitting in the middle if (i) B is between E and C (ii) B is to the right of C (iii) D is between A and E
Ans: (3) E

28. What is the number of squares in the following figure ?
Ans: (4) 14

29. A is 3 years older to B and 3 years younger to ‘C’, B and D are twins. How many years older is C to D ?
Ans: (3) 6

30. Find the number which when added to itself 13 times gives 112.
Ans: (2) 8

31. Which of the following is not a data type in MicrosoftAccess ?
Ans: (1) Picture/graphic

32. Which command brings you to the first slide in your (MS-POWER POINT) presentation ?
Ans: (3) Ctrl + Home

33. Which option on the custom animation task pane allows you to apply a preset or custom motion path (MS-POWER POINT)
Ans: (1) Add effect

34. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called
Ans: (4) Fields

35. Which part of database holds only one type ofInformation ?
Ans: (2) Field

36. Which of the following Is not a programming language
Ans: (3) turing

37. What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance, it usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high speed telephonelines ?
Ans: (3) WAN

38. How many TCP connections does FTP use
Ans: (2) Two

39. What is tool tip text ?
Ans: (4) Tool tip text is shown when the mouse is held over a object for a period of time

40. In C++, 14%4 equals to
Ans: (2) 2

41. In the Integrated Development Environment, which of following is used to design the layout of an application
Ans: (1) Form Designer Window

42. The Object browser in Integrated Development Environment
Ans: (4) Displays the object libraries and their combinations of data and code

43. Main function of proxy application gateway firewall is to
Ans: (2) Allow intranet users to securely use internet specifically

44. For B2B e-commerce, what is necessary
Ans: (4) All of the above

45. EDIFACT is a standard
Ans: (4) protocol used in e-commerece

46. “C” is a
Ans: (3) High level language with some low level features

47. Use of functions
Ans: (3) A, B, C are correct

48. Character variables in ‘C’ language can store at a time
Ans: (1) 1 character

49. Int z, x=5, y=-10, a=4,b=2; z=x++---y*b/a; z=
Ans: (3) 10

50. Int x=2*3+4*5; x=
Ans: (2) 26

51. In a ‘for loop’ (C language), if the condition is missing then infinite loop can be avoided by
Ans: (3) (B), (C), (D) are correct

52. Time taken for addition of an element in queue is for the order of
Ans: (1) O(log n)

53. Comlexity for linear search is
Ans: (2) O(n)

54. The Tags used for specifying fonts in HTML are
Ans: (4)(i), (ii) and (iii)

55. HTML uses
Ans: (4) fixed TAGS defined by language

56. C++ was originally developed by
Ans: (3) Bjarni Stroustrup

57. A constructor (C++) is called whenever
Ans: (1) an object is declared

58. Operator overloading in (C++) is
Ans: (2) giving new meaning to existing C++ operators

59. In C++ a destructor makes
Ans: (4) zero arguments

60. In C++, a function contained within a class is
Ans: (1) a member function

61. Fields in a class of a C++ program are by default
Ans: (3) private

62. In ‘C’ Language
Ans: (1) A, B, C are correct

63. In context of object oriented programming in visual basic controls are
Ans: (2) Objects

64. The location of the form on desktop (OOP in Visual Basic) during execution is determined by the
Ans: (4) Form Layout window

65. IDE is
Ans: (3) Integrated Development Environment

66. JAVA is platform independent because
Ans: (2) It creates object code on compilation

67. Which of the following features is available in JAVA ?
Ans: (3) Both of the above

68. Java differs from C++ because
Ans: (1) A, B, C are correct

69. Blu ray disc is
Ans: (2) an optical device

70. How are HTML forms and X forms related
Ans: (3) X forms are new generation of HTML forms

71. When did X forms 1.0 become W3e recommendation?
Ans: (1) since October 2003

72. Which one is correct ?
Ans: (1) X forms is both device and platform independent

73. Using Windows API, you can extend testing abilities and add usability and flexibility to your
Ans: (3) Applications

74. In multiple document interface (MDI)
Ans: (1) all windows reside under a single parent window (except model window)

75. Disadvantage of MDI includes
Ans: (3) Both of the above

76. DLL in windows is
Ans: (1) Dynamic Link Library

77. DLL is
Ans: (2)A collection of small programs which can be called upon when needed by a program in execution

78. Which of the following is system software
Ans: (4) Windows 7

79. Which of the following is largest memory size
Ans: (1) Tera Byte

80. Linux is a ………………. Type of software
Ans: (2) Open Source

81. The capacity of a Standard Blu Ray Disk with single layer is
Ans: (1) 25GB

82. What is the function used to detect end of file ?
Ans: (1)feof()

83. To view all powerpoint slides together-
Ans: (1)Slide sorter view

84. Which is the most expensive memory
Ans: (1)Hard disk

85. Which of the following devices can be used to directly read image printed text?
Ans: (1) OCR

86. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?
Ans: (3)Control Unit and ALU

87. The advantage of Component object model is its’…………… and ………………….
Ans: (2) Compact Size & Speed

88. If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use, it is called………………..
Ans: (1)Server

89. The output quality of a printer is measured by
Ans: (1) Dot per inch

90. Convert : (1111001)2=( )10
Ans: (2)(121)10

91. What is the base of octal number system
Ans: (2)8

92. Which of the following is volatile memory
Ans: (2)RAM

93. What is the max. data capacity for optical fiber cable?
Ans: (3) 1000 mbps

94. What is gutter margin ?
Ans: (3)Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing

95. Which of the following is not a font style
Ans: (4) Superscript

96. The term “Operating System” means ……….
Ans: (1)A set of programs which controls computer working

97. Which of the following operating systems is better for implementing a Client-Server Network
Ans: (4)Windows 2000

98. In DBMS, you can
Ans: (4)All of the above

99. In visual foxpro, what does the message “Cannot quit Visual foxpro” mean ?
Ans: (2) some event handling loop still running

100. Choose the correct meaning of SQL Statement : select * from r4r_emp;
Ans: (4) none of the above

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Software Development & Computer Education
Surbhi Plus Complex, Station Road, SIKAR
Dist : Sikar (Raj.) Pin 332001

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